The Night Before Christmas

T'was the night before Christmas
And all through the house
My roommates were stirring
And so was a mouse (on my TV... I'm watching Mickey's Christmas something or other)
My stocking is hung on a hook with my keys,
Though I'm much to old for saint nick to visit me.
The child (that's me) is sitting, snug with my fire (actually it's a space heater)
While I stay up waiting on my clothes in the dryer.
With me in my kercheif, and no pa for a cap,
I'd like to settle in for a long winter's nap (but I have to get up early for work)

Unfortunately any creativity I may have fizzled out at this point.

I will add, though, that at one point today I considered staying up to wait for Santa before I realized that Santa is not real.

Also, I know the muppets are a beloved part of many of your childhoods... But they honestly just make me super uncomfortable.


Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!


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