Growing Up

Let me tell you (something you probably already know) growing up is not all it's cracked up to be... sure I can drive to McDonalds at 4am (let's be honest that's the only real reason I care about having a drivers license), and I can vote (which I actually have yet to do, based on the failures of the USPS), and I can move out of my parents house (which was supposed to happen in 3 weeks, but is now happening in about 5 months).

But let's be honest, there's really more bad than good. I have to pay thousands of dollars for a degree so I can follow my dreams; I have to pay for gas, food, and other bills; I have to go to work on a consistent basis; and the main reason I'm writing this post: weddings.

Don't get me wrong, I looooove weddings. I love going to weddings, I love getting dressed up for weddings, I love helping with weddings, I assume I'll love being in weddings (I'll let you know after my first escapade as a bridesmaid in September), but weddings suck. All-toll over the last 2 and a half-ish years since I graduated from high school 5 of my friends have gotten married (2 sets to each other... if that makes sense), and in the next two weeks 2 more will, and then another in a month and a half.

I know a lot of people (especially girls) my age feel like their friends are getting married and their not and that makes them sad. To be candid I'm really glad I'm not getting married. I'm not ready to be married, I'm not dating anyone, I'm still not in a mindset to be in a relationship after my last break-up, and I have a lot of things to get done before I even start thinking about getting married. My problem with weddings is not that I'm not having one. It's not even that I feel like all my friends are getting married (even though a lot of my high school ones are... none of my college friends though).

Tomorrow (or actually today... in about 13 hours) my best friend since 7th grade is getting married. And that's really hard, partly because I've never met the guy, partly because our other best friend is in Haiti, partly because I'm going with an ex that I haven't seen since we broke up 2 years ago, but mostly because she's not just getting married-- she's also moving to Florida.

I thought I was doing well with the idea, because I was moving to Arkansas so even if she stayed in Kansas I wouldn't get to see her anyway. It really just hit me yesterday, the day before her wedding, that tonight was my last night with her, that there is every chance in the world that I may never get to be with her (besides Skyping) again.

That's what truly makes adulthood so terrible. I don't mind working long hours, paying for overpriced merchandise, or driving myself long distances.

What is really, truly, honestly awful is saying goodbye to people you love.


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