Your Love Never Fails

It never gives up. It never runs out on me.

Many years ago (I don't even know how many) I opened my Bible and pointed to a passage and adopted that as my life verse.

I know there is no such thing as chance, because this passage has meant so much to me throughout the years of my life, and tonight it once again means something profound.

This passage is II Corinthians 4.

Inscribed on the inside of my class ring are verses 7-9.

But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us. We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed.

There is a reason I love these three verses in particular.
Jars of clay are fragile. They are not beautiful, they are not ornate, they are just pots. We are these jars. We are not beautiful, ornate, and we break easily. We make mistakes more often than a snake sheds its skin.

But there's a purpose. Because we cannot claim that the life-giving water or jewels stored inside us is our own doing. There is only God who could place such treasures inside such a ugly and fragile vessel.

I am constantly blown away by that.

Despite my brokenness somehow He has seen fit to use me to hold amazing and priceless valuables.

I started this post off with lyrics from One Thing Remains by Jesus Culture, because, in a way, I think it captures the same sense. No matter what I do, or how far I stray, or how far gone I am His love never fails. And it never gives up. And it never runs out.


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