The Number 20-- The Final Resolution to My Saga of Uncertainty

I'm turning 20 in 1 week (actually when I finished writing this post it'll actually be a day short of a week). I imagine it will be just like any other birthday, I will be excited until the day and then realize nothing has actually changed.

But all around me things are changing, and I am changing too.

I believe it was CS Lewis who said, "Isn't it funny how day by day nothing nothing changes, but when you look back everything is different."

So much has changed for me in the last few years, months, weeks, and days. I can honestly say that at no point in my life have I ever seen myself in the place where I am now.

This fall, I will not be returning to JBU. I will be living with my parents in Kansas and working at KFC. My hope is to return to JBU in the spring. I will not be taking classes at all this fall, based on the fact that it would cause me to return as a transfer student and lose scholarships.

I'm not thrilled about where I am. Living with my parents, not going to school, having a minimum wage job, not being in a serious and fulfilling relationship, (etc etc etc) is the opposite of where I thought I'd be by my 20th birthday.

I don't want to give the impression that I'm not happy. Despite the little set backs in my plans, things are going pretty well for me. By living with my parents I'm saving a lot of money, by not going to school I'm saving money and having more time to work, I'm thankful to have a job at all with the state of the economy, and being single definitely has perks.

This just isn't what I had planned.

//Roll with the Punches// Hakuna Matata//


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