Happy, Happy, Happy

Earlier I posted a really hard thing. It was hard to come to the decisions I have, and it was hard to write. It's hard to think about, too. I'll be honest, I cry about it a lot. But in my Facebook post I also promised to post something positive! So here it is:

I'm really excited about taking the semester off. It gives me an amazing opportunity to just work my butt off. Seriously.

One of my "life motos" or whatever is You can go anywhere with hard work and a willingness to learn. If you haven't gathered by now, one reason taking a semester off is hard is because I just honestly love learning. I struggled through high school, not because I didn't like learning, but because I didn't like doing the work. As I've gotten older I've learned to value the two more equally. I sometimes look down on those who have chosen to work in minimum wage careers for the entire lives, but after a year or so at KFC I've learned that (some of) those people have an amazing work ethic that I sometimes struggle to keep up with.

Growing up in rural South Central Kansas I was taught a good work ethic, not only by my parents, but through many of my teachers and even my friends at school. In a farming community it's just expected. While my work ethic isn't the best of the best, after spending a couple years at college, I can see how much good learning hard work, from a young age, has done me.

Another thing I'm excited about is helping out with youth group. Youth group was a highlight of my high school years, and I hope that I can have just a little part in making it the same for the next set. I've already been to the first couple of weeks and I'm just so excited for the potential this group of kids has!

I'm also really excited about going to a state school. While JBU is awesome and does amazing things for their students, I look forward to being able to join clubs, Christian fellowships, and live off-campus... and save myself a lot of money. Another exciting thing is that both K-State and WSU have anthropology programs, which means I could get into some of the things I really want to have a career in, even before grad school!

I look forward to making new friends. Actually that's a lie. I hate having to make new friends. It's probably one of the worst things about going somewhere new. But I am excited to reconnect with some old friends that attend whichever university I end up choosing (and maybe even a little excited to meet their new friends, too).

I'm excited to be a little more independent (since I will be paying for school mostly without my parents help... except that if I go to WSU I'll probably live at home for at least the first semester). I'm even a little excited (also terrified) for secular education--an experience I've never had.

I am incredibly blessed that taking a semester off is made slightly less hard because my best friend wont be there. Don't misunderstand. Sarah, I'm so sad that you have to be away from JBU for at least a semester, I'm sure it's difficult for you just as it is for me... but hey at least we'd be missing eachother even if we were there... unless we were both there... but we're not. I'm also blessed by her just being in my life. Sarah and Summer and Ike and Clay are four friends I know for sure will stay my friends no matter how long we're apart. It is an amazing thing to see their names pop up on my screen, and to know that they're thinking of me even when we're not together.

Oh gosh, I'm crying again... THIS ONE WAS SUPPOSED TO BE HAPPY (and it is... they are happy, blessed person tears).

I'm sure some of my other friendships will stand the test of time as well (and I'm really sorry if you're reading this and I didn't mention you and now you just feel awkward... just text me, because I promise I still love you)

I'm also sorry this post was so long.

Much love to The Natural State.


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