I've been struggling to find things to write about lately. Not because I don't have anything to say, I am just having a difficult time determining what is important to write about.
Every so often I start a blog post that I think will be entertaining, interesting, important, or informative, leave it for a couple days and end up deleted the draft all together.
There's some things I think need to be out there, but sometimes I feel like I'm beating a dead horse or I'm not addressing the right audience.
There are so many things I could write about that I am honestly passionate about and that are extremely relevant: Ferguson, racism, sexism, Feminism, etc.
All of those things are incredibly important, and perhaps sometime I will write about them... I have, in fact, started and stopped several different posts about Feminism.
I find it a little funny that this post has devolved into me basically telling you that I have nothing to tell you.
But possibly my point is a bit deeper than that.
The reason I hesitate to write about these things is not because I think they're too controversial... in fact that is a major reason I desire to write about them... I think the reason is that I haven't completely formed a good way of talking about it.
I grew up in a very conservative place, with a very conservative family, but it is becoming clearer and clearer to me that extreme right-wing Republicanism is not "God's way".
I have, in fact, decided that I will be completely cutting any association with the Republican party. That's not to say I will be a Democrat, because I also disagree with much of their way of running things as well.
Frankly I'm a bit terrified of what's happening in our country and our world, and I don't think any political party or system is going to fix that. But it's equally terrifying to me that I've always had the idea in my head that Democrats can't be Christians and all Christians are Republicans... or perhaps even more so that I thought that non-Christians couldn't be good people or have right ideas.
So I encourage you, despite your political leanings or what you've heard (specifically about Ferguson) please do some serious research before deciding what you want to believe about the situation.
I won't go so far as to tell you what I think, or even what I know... because I am not technically a credible source. But no matter what you decide you think, please pray for Ferguson, the United States, and the many other countries dealing with similar race issues at this very moment.
I also encourage you to stay in the know. I've found that many people didn't even know Ferguson was still going on until yesterday. But there have been constant protests and problems since Michael Brown's death. Don't let these things be so easily forgotten or overlooked.
The last thing I will leave you with is that I would highly encourage you to go watch the new Hunger Games movie. I don't think there was a more relevant time for it to come out than this particular moment in history. Ignore the pretty faces and stellar acting and effects... pay attention to the message Suzanne Collins has been trying to get across.
Every so often I start a blog post that I think will be entertaining, interesting, important, or informative, leave it for a couple days and end up deleted the draft all together.
There's some things I think need to be out there, but sometimes I feel like I'm beating a dead horse or I'm not addressing the right audience.
There are so many things I could write about that I am honestly passionate about and that are extremely relevant: Ferguson, racism, sexism, Feminism, etc.
All of those things are incredibly important, and perhaps sometime I will write about them... I have, in fact, started and stopped several different posts about Feminism.
I find it a little funny that this post has devolved into me basically telling you that I have nothing to tell you.
But possibly my point is a bit deeper than that.
The reason I hesitate to write about these things is not because I think they're too controversial... in fact that is a major reason I desire to write about them... I think the reason is that I haven't completely formed a good way of talking about it.
I grew up in a very conservative place, with a very conservative family, but it is becoming clearer and clearer to me that extreme right-wing Republicanism is not "God's way".
I have, in fact, decided that I will be completely cutting any association with the Republican party. That's not to say I will be a Democrat, because I also disagree with much of their way of running things as well.
Frankly I'm a bit terrified of what's happening in our country and our world, and I don't think any political party or system is going to fix that. But it's equally terrifying to me that I've always had the idea in my head that Democrats can't be Christians and all Christians are Republicans... or perhaps even more so that I thought that non-Christians couldn't be good people or have right ideas.
So I encourage you, despite your political leanings or what you've heard (specifically about Ferguson) please do some serious research before deciding what you want to believe about the situation.
I won't go so far as to tell you what I think, or even what I know... because I am not technically a credible source. But no matter what you decide you think, please pray for Ferguson, the United States, and the many other countries dealing with similar race issues at this very moment.
I also encourage you to stay in the know. I've found that many people didn't even know Ferguson was still going on until yesterday. But there have been constant protests and problems since Michael Brown's death. Don't let these things be so easily forgotten or overlooked.
The last thing I will leave you with is that I would highly encourage you to go watch the new Hunger Games movie. I don't think there was a more relevant time for it to come out than this particular moment in history. Ignore the pretty faces and stellar acting and effects... pay attention to the message Suzanne Collins has been trying to get across.
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