It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas and I Won't Appologize

It's November 5th and I am in the Christmas mood.

Maybe it's because I spend a considerable amount of time on a social media site known as Tumblr where I come into contact with a lot of people from outside the US who don't have Thanksgiving to look forward to, or maybe it's because they had Christmas stuff at Walmart when I moved to Manhattan in the middle of September.

Perhaps it's because when I swung by the mall tonight (which you can do when the mall is 4 blocks from your house) they were in the mid-week process of decorating with trees and lights. Plus all the stores have out their entire sweater inventory and there are tons of sparkly things everywhere.

It's most definitely partly because as I walked past Bath & Body Works I got a whiff of the most heavenly scent, and bought myself a Fresh Balsam 3-wick candle. After which I came home and lit... and turned on my Spotify Christmas playlist, and made myself hot chocolate.

Whatever the reason, my soul has decided to completely ignore the fact that it's still in the lower 60s and is craving snow.

I haven't felt this way about Christmas in a long time. As you grow up Christmas tends to lose the magic it held for you as a child. Once you're in college, and certainly once you're out, Christmas is just a time that sucks money out of your wallet, whether it's traveling home, buying gifts, purchasing decorations, or giving donations.

But here I am, it's my first time on my own (although I will go to my parents/grandparents for the Holidays) and I am beyond thrilled.

I desperately want to capture all the magic of Christmas. I could go into the true meaning of Christmas, and that is incredibly important, however I think we're all quite aware. From the time I was a small child I have been constantly reminded of CHRISTmas.

But the history buff in me wants to think of the pre-Christian midwinter feast as well. There are several theories on the origins of the holiday (usually something to do with all harvests being done) one is simply that winter is a time everyone needs some cheering up. And while Christ is definitely the most important and greatest source of joy, I don't think He has a problem with us enjoying the lights, music, scents, stories, and all-around beauty of this time of year.

As a 20 year old working full time at barely above minimum wage I don't have a lot of money to put into Christmas. I bought a candle... I'll probably steal some decorations from my parents at Thanksgiving, and maybe I'll do some crafting (I'm getting domestic y'all). But in reality most of my holiday funds will be going to traveling to and from home, visiting friends, and buying gifts for the most important people in my life.

But what I really want to do is get Christmas cards (and send them). I don't care if people buy them, make them, or have their kids throw glitter on a piece of paper (I am OBSESSED with sparkles during the Christmas season), but I want to get cards. On my facebook I will share my address (no need to have it available to people I don't know) and if you feel so called send me a card! I will send one back, too!

I'd also love for you to share your favorite holiday recipes with me (whether you do this in a message, comment, or in your card is up to you!)

To my American friends: Happy Thanksgiving.
To my Foreign friends: Merry Christmas
To my Too-Easily-Offended friends: Happy Holidays
(I don't have any friends that, to my knowledge, celebrate Hanukkah or Kwanzaa)

As a random add on down here at the bottom: I have a really amazing opportunity that will hopefully be presenting itself to me this coming Sunday and I would appreciate your prayers both for the details to work out and for me to have wisdom about the decisions regarding it! Hopefully I will be able to share details soon!


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