Something About the Modern World


I see a lot of differing opinions about social media, technology, and the internet. There are so many people who refuse to use it, especially in the older generation, but also within my own.

I have professors who refuse to use a smartphone, or prohibit use of a laptop in their classes, and to a certain extent I understand their intent. But at the same time I think they're missing the point.

Maybe I'm wrong, but I feel like perhaps people didn't like Alexander Graham Bell's invention, because they thought it would replace writing personal letters. At some point there has to be something new or society with get stuck in a rut... and that's never a good thing.

As far as smart phones go I'm not entirely sure how I would have survived my first two years of college without one. I have a few games on my phone, but I mostly use it to keep in touch with people, check emails from profs between classes, check my grades through the blackboard app, and keep track of my schedule. It allows me to have all of those things right in my pocket when I need to access them quickly.

When it comes to social media, there seems to be some sort of stigma about it being "anti-social". Maybe some high schoolers sit at their computers all day talking to people they could walk down the street to see. But it seems to me that's just bad parenting. I sometimes use social media when I'm bored. But to be completely honest, the only reason I still have facebook is because it's the easiest way for me to get in touch with friends that are far away... the ones I can't just walk a few blocks to see. The only reason I still have twitter is... well basically the same reason. I have Tumblr as a creative outlet and a place where I can share honest feelings with a supportive group of people. Don't even get me started about all the wonderful things about Pinterest.

Sure, just like everyone else I sometimes spend hours watching Netflix, but even that isn't making me anti social. Turns out, I watch just about as much TV as the average person, maybe less. Mine just happens to be consolidated instead of spread out over weeks, since I don't have a TV and therefore can't watch things as they air. I also use Netflix as a social tool to hang out with friends. And being the history nerd that I am, I watch a lot of documentaries.

Anyway... long story short: I think the internet is important. Never have so many people been able to share so many ideas, or been able to receive help, or been able to express themselves, or stay in touch, or reach around the world. The power of the internet is an incredible achievement.

And I have a bit of an agenda. The FCC (read: the powers that be) are trying to overturn net neutrality. "Here’s the deal: The FCC is on the verge of allowing internet service providers (like the one you’re using right now) to build fast lanes for sites that can pay for them, leaving everyone else in the slow lane. This would be disastrous for anyone who uses the internet."

This is a big deal. It's like censoring without censoring. It's like taking away freedoms (like freedom of expression for instance) without us actually being able to say that our freedom has been taken away, because while we could still access things, it would be incredibly difficult and time consuming. The internet would just become another part of the corporate American system. It would no longer be a place of sharing ideas, or getting help, or expression, or contact. It's just a way for internet companies (Comcast) to make more money. It's not good for me and it's not good for you, and it's not a good precedent for the future.

So here's a link with more information about what is going on and what you can do about it.

Those of you who know me well know that I am not an alarmist, nor am I one to jump on board with things I have not thoroughly researched. I am not the kind of person who believes in government conspiracy or fights along party lines. 

The internet is something I believe in. 


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