20 Pieces of Advice as I Turn 20
In light of the fact that I'll be turning 20 in a few short weeks (one month from today actually) I decided to take this opportunity to throw out a few pieces of advice. I realize that I don't have nearly as much life experience as a lot of people who will read this, but even those of you for whom this is true will find something to glean from this. Many of these things are common knowledge, but things that I feel we all need reminded sometimes, and others are things that other people (mentors, friends) have told me and have been very important in my life.
- Embrace where you are in life. Whether you're in high school, college, grad school, etc. there's always something to enjoy. Even when it's really hard to find something happy, don't be rushed to get to the next stage.
- Work hard at everything you do. One of my biggest beliefs is that you can go anywhere and do anything will hard work and a willingness to learn.
- Never be afraid to try new things. Whether it's food, friends, or fashion new things can be scary, and to be honest they don't always turn out as well as you wish, but you regret the things you don't do more than the things you do.
- Never treat anyone as if they are inferior to you in any way. Ever. No matter how much they prove to be less intelligent, be less wealthy, have made worse life choices. Never ever... ever. EVER.
- Embrace the things you love. This is kind of like "be yourself" but more to the point. Don't ever let yourself be ashamed of something you find interesting or care about. Don't apologize for loving anything.
- Roll with the punches. Hakuna Matata. That's actually the motto I chose for my life. I'm definitely a planner, I like having things mapped out, but I've also learned to be able to accommodate life's changes.
- Know your limits. Face your fears and push yourself, get out of your comfort zone, but there's a point that you have to be able to say "I can't do this". Contrary to what your mom told you, you can't do EVERYTHING you put your mind to. Do your best, but know your strengths, and build on them.
- Copernicus called, turns out the world DOESNT revolve around you. I don't think that needs any more explanation.
- Learn to get along with your boss. You may be working a lowly fast food job now, but not only will a good relationship with your boss keep work pleasent and get you a good recommendation, there's a good chance they know people who can get you even further. Never underestimate the power of networking.
- Learn to say you're sorry. Even when you don't think something is your fault, and especially when it is.
- Learn conflict resolution. Learning to fight clean and debate (never argue) will solve 80% of your relationship problems (romantic or otherwise).
- Don't be around negative people. Whether it's your significant other or a friend. And learn to be positive yourself.
- When you ask someone how they're doing, actually care. Even when it's just your cashier or electrician.
- (especially in high school) No matter where you go, what you do, how cool, funny or smart you may be, there will always be people who don't like you or make fun of you or treat you badly. Don't bother doing things you don't like, and not doing things you do, because as in Mean Girls "it's social suicide". High school/life is gonna suck at times anyway, so you might as well do the things you love and enjoy.
- Everyone is dealing with something.
- Learn to understand people. Their love language, their personality type, etc. Don't love them in a way they don't feel loved, don't try to make them be someone they're not. (and do the same for yourself)
- Find something to stand for, and don't back down. Care about it, work for it, push towards it, and don't ever stop. A raindrop may not fill a bucket, but a storm will.
- To the world you might be one person, but to one person you just might be the world. See also: Somebody's Mother
- Money is not the root of all evil, love of it is.
- Find your life motto/verse/quote/etc. embrace it. Find your purpose and chase it. Become the person you are meant to be.
Bonus tip: They say you don't remember the nights you got enough sleep, you can sleep when you're dead.
Keep in mind: you also don't remember the nights you got wasted.
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